"Barry, thank you very much for helping us resolve an unusually contentious wage and hour case one month before trial. Your solid understanding of the facts and applicable law, your personable manner, and your refusal to quit despite the parties’ respective positions rapidly hardening as the session stretched into the evening, made all the difference. I will enthusiastically recommend your services to others."

Ventura County Attorney

"Mr. Appell is a miracle worker. He settled an impossible employment case between intractable parties whose hostility towards each other was a near insurmountable obstacle. His people skills and depth of legal knowledgeable allowed him to start with the key to unraveling a big legal mess. Mr. Appell successfully navigated all participants through all of the factual and legal issues with deft insights and people skills, quickly finding answers to the economic and noneconomic issues. The virtual Zoom mediation was perfect for these parties."

"I highly recommend Barry Appell as a mediator."

Manhattan Beach Attorney

"Barry’s thorough understandings of the facts and the parties’ legal and factual contentions, and his intuitive sense allowed him to get at the heart of the case while being fair-minded. With his easy-going personality, he was able to engage the parties to get closer to the “de-militarized” zone and ultimately facilitated the settlement of a very complex 3-year old case that involved difficult business decisions and emotional elements. I would return to Barry for any employment case and I would highly recommend him."

Pasadena Attorney

"I have been involved in mediations with Mr. Appell. He has the personality, knowledge and character as well as patience of a good mediator. I recommend him to assist you in resolving your mediation."

Glendale Attorney

"I highly recommend Barry as a mediator. Barry is smart, personable and sharp—overall, a class act. He uses his significant knowledge of the applicable law and his strong skills at connecting with people to get my cases resolved. In one case he mediated for me that did not resolve on the day of mediation, Barry would not quit. It was an impossible case, but he kept pushing the parties until he got the case settled. He gets results. I would use him on every case."

Los Angeles Attorney

"Barry Appell is a straight shooter who knows the law and works hard at creative solutions to resolve disputes that, at some points, I felt were unresolvable. He is not afraid to be candid but is adept at keeping emotional or strong personalities engaged, giving him the ability to make the most out of mediation and get the parties to settle."

Orange County Attorney

“Barry was prepared, engaging and inciteful to get this long festering dispute settled. He should be highly recommended for anyone with a tough case that needs an effective mediator.”

Los Angeles Attorney